Gifts idea for Saint Patrick’s day

Gifts idea for Saint Patrick’s day


Saint Patrick’s Day is celebrated on every 17th of March. It began as a religious feast day observing the death of St. Patrick. But now it has turned into a variety of festivals across the globe, celebrating Irish culture with parades, special foods, music, dancing, and a whole lot of green.

There are 2 little fun fact we’d like to share with you.

You may be surprised to find out that green was not always the colour of Irish Identity – the saint's official colour was "Saint Patrick's blue," a light shade of sky blue and it is thought that the colour green probably dates back to the 18th century, and Irish independence.

Do you know that the phrase “The Luck of the Irish” originated from the fact that during the gold and silver rush years in the late 19th century the most successful and wealthy miners were Irish or of Irish descent! So, they have been natural rock and mineral collectors for a very long time! According to Edward T. O’Donnell, an Associate Professor of History at Holy Cross College.

One tradition to celebrate this day is to wear something green to enhance your luck so these are some gemstones we’d like to recommend instead of a four-leaf clover.

Green Aventurine

Green Aventurine is best known for the optical phenomenon known as aventurescense. Essentially, the gem features a characteristic shimmer, allowing it to stand out from the crowd. The shade can also vary, ranging from deep forest to light seafoam. As a result, it would make a very eye-catching jewelry.

What is it association with luck you may ask, well the stone resonates with the heart chakra and one of the keys to unlocking luck is listening to the heart. 

This stone is the eternal optimist. Energetically, it maintains optimism by charging-up one’s will with confidence. When we can generate the purest positive thoughts, we become hopeful. An abundance mindset is paramount for generating that which we want to attract!


Labradorite or Spectrolite color can range from the palest gray to the deepest green or black, but always with a luminescence revealing hidden rainbows depending on how the light catches it. This the phenomenon is called "labradorescence" or "adularescence". 

It has a number of interesting metaphysical properties, including protecting your aura, recharge your energy and clearing negativity. So, it could help to assure success and bring changes in the quality of life. This stone helps develop novel ideas and promotes innovations. 


For a light green gemstone, it’s hard to overlook peridot. The color tends to be in the yellow-green spectrum, often coming in close to lime. The hints of yellow and transparency make it warmer than many other green crystals, and the brighter shades make them a perfect match for March as it is the start of spring.

It has always been associated to prosperity and good fortune because of its color resemblance to money. This gemstone would be a very nice option for you to put in Celtic or clover leaf design to create a special Saint Patrick’s Day or lucky charm collection.


Is as opulent as it is beautiful. Thanks to its translucent nature and vibrant colouring, it’s long been a favorite for jewelry and carvings. 

Whether you’re interested in jadeite or nephrite – both of which are considered varieties of jade – you get a durable stone that’s fun to wear. Plus, In Asian culture especially in China, jade is said to bring luck or good fortune, making it a nice option for introducing some positivity into your wardrobe. The most valuable jadeites are pure “imperial” green, which equals the intensity of emeralds.


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TAG Sanit Patrick day, good luck, lucky gems, green gems Gift idea for St. Patrick’s day, buy gems, sell gems,Peridot , Aventurine , Green Aventurine, Jadeite, Jade, Labradorite,

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