Gifts idea for White day

Gifts idea for White day


Have you heard about ‘White Day’ before? If you haven’t heard about it and you wanted to, you are at the right place! Keep reading and get to know what this special day is for and what gift you should be giving.

White day was originated in Asia, and it is a day that gifts are given to show appreciation or affection one has received on Valentine’s Day. So, if you are thinking about what gift you should be giving or you need an ideal for your new jewelry collection these are some gemstones we recommend giving as a gift to show gratitude and appreciation on this special day.

Opal some are colorless and transparent, while others resemble milky white gemstones although it’s not as tough as diamonds or other minerals, but it’s still durable enough for everyday wear so it could be an ideal gift for white day collection jewelry.

Opal and its rainbow-like effect represent hope, truth, higher being, and purity as well as some great healing properties such as enhanced creativity and intelligence, intensified emotions and cosmic consciousness, greater self-connection and improved memory.

Clear quartz is for anyone who have the tendency to have negative thoughts, this crystal will help you see the positive side in any situation and make it easier for you to reflect on the things you are thankful for. It’s transparent, clear stone that reflects gorgeous colors when light bounces off of it would be very beautiful when made into a jewelry. 

Even if you are not making it as a jewelry, having a clear quartz at home in your purse or pocket can be a very nice protective charm, enhance clarity and focus.

Chrysocolla is a calming crystal often used to encourage gratefulness in your current state, it’s gentle vibe and its greenish blue color will help you see how far you have come. 

It’s the stone that will help you cut through those feelings of weighty guilt, anxiety, and lingering depression so it is known to be a cool spring shower for one’s soul. Thanks to its calming properties, Chrysocolla helps to lower blood pressure as well.

A ring made from Chrysocolla would be very vivid and eye catching!

Chrysoprase is a stone that is all about healing, including healing your heart. It encourages communication, balance, and better choices. It’s a powerful stone for detoxifying, making it great for removing negative elements, and ushering in an attitude of appreciation and a sense of deep peace.

Since it is a crystal that activates and energizes the heart chakra and can be very useful for those who want to show more gratitude upon oneself and others. It can also transmute negative emotions into positive ones, making it the perfect crystal for lightening your mood with its soothing energy. It would make a nice pair of earrings!

We hope you will have a nice day on White day and would be able to convey your appreciation and thanks to that special someone in your heart. Happy White day!


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TAG White day , Gift idea for White day , buy gems , sell gems, Opal, clear quartz , Chrysoprase, Chrysocolla